THE PAGE / STRANA March 2025

The Page, a performance of poetic writing in dance, sound and words by Robie Legros and Bettina Neuhaus in close collaboration with sound artist Matthieu Legros 


THE PAGE / STRANA addresses the enigma of the living poetry which resides in our moving body. A body that listens and speaks, receives and emanates and that takes us onto a journey of ongoing transformation to unforeseen places.
The performers collaborate with the light designer and sound artist Matthieu Legros in the immediacy of the actual moment on creating a dynamic mesh of physical and sonic images laying the ground for myths and stories to emerge.

THE PAGE / STRANA holds up a mirror to the complexities and contradictions of human relationship and invites the viewer to engage with their own imagination and way of reading of what unfolds.


Swinging darkness
a pendulum alone
white hips bending into the day

no shape
no gaze
no time

Thank you for not apologizing
for the steps you took

My heart
so mild and wild
now enters the kindergarten of life


Concept, dance, voice: Robie Legros, Bettina Neuhaus
Sound & lights:
Matthieu Legros
Klára Židková
Denisa Motalová / ORBITA z. s.


The project was created with the financial support of the Statutory City of Brno and the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic.

© Photo Tereza Jurakova



27. 3. 2025, 19:30
Divadlo Studio tanca
Komenského, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Buy your ticket here

31. 3. 2025, 20:00
A4 – Associations for Contemporary Culture
Karpatska 2, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
Buy your tickets here