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Miesto: SVČ Lužánky – pozor štúdio je na Solniční ul. 12
* zjemniť sa do prítomnosti a do pohybu s cieľom rozpoznávať známe a osvojiť si nové pohybové kvality
* rozvíjať vedomie pohyblivého tela v tanci a vedomie seba ako tvorcu/tvorkyňu tanca
* osvojiť si nástroje ako sa cez vzťah so zemou a priestorom môžeme okamžite dostať do prítomnosti,
z ktorej tvoríme a zdieľame choreografiu
U Č Í / Robie Legros
studovala tanec ve Španělsku a Nizozemsku, kde objevila improvizaci a umění instantní kompozice. Od roku 2017 žije v Brně, kde učí tanec, pracuje jako choreografka, performérka a na tělo orientovaná psychoterapeutka.
Její výuka přechází od zážitkové práce se základními fyziologickými principy ke kompoziční a choreografické tvorbě – jejím poetickým i my(s)tickým významům. Její hodiny navštěvují tanečníci, poeti, herci i hudebníci. Roberta vede účastníky k praxi plné přítomnosti a vědomému tělu, v tom podle ní tkví úcta k tělu – našemu mediu exprese, a jeho poetickým detailům, a našemu prostředí. I proto je její přístup v tvorbe tance hluboce ekologický.
Cycle of 4 morning classes: improvisation and composition
Dates: Thursdays – 11 Jan, 25 Jan, 1 Feb, 8 Feb 2024
Time: 8:00-9:30
Place: SVČ Lužánky – careful! studio is on Solniční str. 12
Price for 4 classes: 1000 CZK
Morning classes are focused on making dance ´improvisso´ – without a preconceived plan, directly from the here and now of the body in its environment.
Some of the main intentions are:
* to allow our morning body begin the day creatively in dance
* to ease into the presence of the movement so that we can recognize our familiar and taste new movement qualities, textures
* to develop and deepen our awareness of the moving body in dance and an awareness of self as the creator of the dance
* to gain the tools we need in order to immediately get into the “here and now” through our relationship with the ground and space, from which we create and share choreography
In these morning sessions we will bridge the technical part of the class with training our compositional mind.
Please register mailing me to robi.stepankova@gmail.com latest till 8th January ´24.
Photo by Eli Dijkers (www.elidijkers.com)
T E A C H E S / Robie Legros
studied dance in Spain and The Netherlands, where she discovered improvisation and the art of instant composition. Since 2017, she has been based in Brno, where she teaches, works as choreographer, performer and body-oriented psychotherapist. Her teaching spans from experiential work with basic physiologic principles to compositional and choreographic work, its poetic and my(s)thic meanings. Her classes are attended by dancers, poets, actors, musicians. Roberta guides the participants towards the practice of full presence and body awareness, for her it is the place of honoring the body – our medium of expression and poetry, and our environment. Also for that, her approach to dance making is considered being deeply ecological.