creates a New Temple in times of a contemporary
man. As a re-actualization of a prayer, it invites
the spectator in and proposes a Journey.
The thing that matters
is to let one´s Point of Assemblage
be moved.
POINT OF ASSEMBLAGE brings together
seven artists from Slovakia, Czech Republic,
The Netherlands and Norway to communicate
intermedially and make a performance uniting
their distinct, yet dependent disciplines of dance,
music,photography and light.
BOD SPOJENIA vytvára Nový chrám
v dobe súčasného človeka.
Pozýva diváka dovnútra a navrhuje mu Cestu.
To, na čom záleží
je povoliť Bodu Spojenia pohyb.
BOD SPOJENIA je dielom spolupráce siedmych
umelcov zo štyroch disciplín zo Slovenska,
Českej Republiky, Holandska a Nórska. Tento
medzinárodný tím sa stretáva, aby intermediálne
komunikoval a vytvoril divadelné predstavenie,
v ktorom majú odlišné a zároveň závislé médiá
tanca, hudby, fotografie a svetelného designu
vyrovnané zastúpenie.
The team
From a notebook
24. October 2019
“Working with Amund in a studio, The Hague. Beginning to feel and recognize the sounds for the piece. I listen to his sounds and music. Some of them I recognize, others I have never heard before. I feel he has the sounds I have been imagining for this piece, it feels natural, though it surprises me. I wish to remember the sounds that touch me or I feel would fit, but how? How is my memory of sound? – – – long sounds like landscapes of slowed motion, image of a dreamstate, an organlike sound of extinction, clarinetsound churchlike!, a going under the ground sound, pretty dark, . . . Can I be in my dance so specific as yesterday, as Amund is in his music?”
Temple is ´IMAGO MUNDI´, an image of the universe, because it Is, it exists in the center of the World, where the whole Cosmos originates (Mircea Eliade, freely quoted).
Exploring scenographic materials
Study of stone
13. August 2019: “There is an image appearing of reaching the state of slow motion movement, development of an image. The movement has strong resonance – inner impact is reflected outside – strong connection in space.”
7. August 2019
Egypt/the essence of a temple: the temple was also a mirror of the universe and a representation of the ben-ben, the sacred mound which rose out of chaos by the will of Amon at the beginning of Time.
etymology of “altar, altaria”: “burnt offerings” I question myself what does an offering mean to me? What does it mean to those who are used to offer? What is the deep meaning of to sacrify?
from a notebook